R.K.Laros Foundation Honors Alan Jennings Retirement & 41 years of service to CACLV

The R.K.Laros Foundation presented Alan Jennings and his soon to be successor, Dawn Godshall, with a $25,000 unrestricted grant at a gathering of trustees at the Laros Estate on May 25th, 2021. The grant honors Alan’s service and commitment and the inestimable legacy he leaves behind to a grateful Lehigh Valley. Foundation Chair R. Keller Laros III and Vice Chair Laura Bennett Shelton presented the grant and an unexpected gift of a Grateful Dead concert tee. Alan’s love for the Grateful Dead, and his community, endures.

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L-R Associate Trustees Truman Shelton & Janelle Laros, Vice Chair Laura Bennett Shelton, Trustees Diane Donaher, George Mowrer, Elizabeth Shimer Bowers, CACLV Executive Director Alan Jennings, Laros Foundation Chair R .Keller Laros III, CACLV successor to Alan Jennings, Dawn Godshall, Laros Trustee Robert Bilheimer, Wendy Laros and Trustee Ron Madison

L-R Associate Trustees Truman Shelton & Janelle Laros, Vice Chair Laura Bennett Shelton, Trustees Diane Donaher, George Mowrer, Elizabeth Shimer Bowers, CACLV Executive Director Alan Jennings, Laros Foundation Chair R .Keller Laros III, CACLV successor to Alan Jennings, Dawn Godshall, Laros Trustee Robert Bilheimer, Wendy Laros and Trustee Ron Madison